D.C. and Puerto Rico Compared, District of Columbia

Try out Athletic Greens for real: http://athleticgreens.com/mrbeat Mr. Beat compares and contrasts the two American territories ..."

D.C. and Puerto Rico Compared
Try out Athletic Greens for real: http://athleticgreens.com/mrbeat Mr. Beat compares and contrasts the two American territories ...
Mr. Beat
August 5, 2022

Video of Washington "D.C. and Puerto Rico Compared" added to our site on August 5, 2022, by Mr. Beat.

Text description of video "D.C. and Puerto Rico Compared" is Try out Athletic Greens for real: http://athleticgreens.com/mrbeat Mr. Beat compares and contrasts the two American territories ...

Video D.C. and Puerto Rico Compared has duration 19m 47s

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Published August 5, 2022
Views 101,302
Duration 19m 47s
Added by Mr. Beat