Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

CNBC's Shomari Stone joins Shep Smith to report on migrants who arrive in Texas and Arizona and are taken to Washington, ..."

Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C.
CNBC's Shomari Stone joins Shep Smith to report on migrants who arrive in Texas and Arizona and are taken to Washington, ...
CNBC Television
July 20, 2022

Video of Washington "Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C." added to our site on July 20, 2022, by CNBC Television.

Text description of video "Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C." is CNBC's Shomari Stone joins Shep Smith to report on migrants who arrive in Texas and Arizona and are taken to Washington, ...

Video Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C. has duration 2m 43s

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Greg Abbott and Ducey continue to bus migrants to Washington, D.C. information

Published July 20, 2022
Views 72,010
Duration 2m 43s
Added by CNBC Television